Wednesday, January 20, 2010


No, not Tweak from South Park. I'm working on my overall guitar sound and exploring the amp's possibilities. This should make Ralph happy at least. "Can you turn the tone down some." Of course that isn't what he means. You WANT tone. It's the distortion that I know he really means. I've rolled things back and am trying a slightly different style. A bit more jazzy and less flash.

I want to be this guy.....

Speaking of that, I have G.A.S. again. There are a few vintage type guitars I'm eyeing. I want that 50's blues and rock and roll sound. A Gibson, with a P-90. The guitar in the video is an ES-125t, and I'm eyeing some of them, espicially Gibson's Epiphone version of one, from 1961. I also like a ES-225t I've seen at another store in town. Of course, this means trading the Les Paul in on it. I REALLY like the LP. IF and that is a HUGE IF I do something, the other guitar will simply have to be killer and I get a great deal on my trade.

1 comment:

  1. Checked out the open mic night at Highway 61 Roadhouse last night. Third Wednesday of each month I think. Very cool.
