Thursday, February 11, 2010

Good....and Bad

Last night, I played with Ralph, opening for his band, the Brown Dog Blues Band. Eventually, their drummer sat in with us, keeping time. I sort of noticed my hearing going south then and wish I thought harder about it.

Then, Brown Dog's guitarist didn't show up and I was asked to fill in and I did. Volume levels went up. Before long, I simply couldn't hear the keyboards or Ralph's harmonica AT ALL. Ralph's vocals were also barely there. Hearing instructions ast to what key a song (or even WHAT song) were mostly inaudible to me. By the end of the second set, I couldn't even hear myself. Afterwords, I got many compliments on my playing and my tone.

Would have been nice to hear what I sounded like.

Today, my right ear, about 1/2 an inch in (a guess of course) has a dull ache. My hearing in general, is rather wonky.

I'm scared.

I'm getting old.

Unless I figure something out and soon, this could be it.


  1. Perhaps an occupational hazard?

    Would earplugs help (the foam type)? Likely that would cut the high end damaging Db's.



  2. earplugs and/or unplugged. both are under consideration
