Wednesday, February 3, 2010


Haven't posted much lately. A change is brewing, I can feel it. Actually, multiple changes.

Music. Fenton James is dead. Not interested in that persona anymore. Not interested in playing with others either. Just going to be me. Likely, the Les Paul will be sold off and I'll get a jazz box. My hopes kept getting built up over the past year about maybe joining a band. I went out, got guitars, my hopes were dashed, then built up, got a different guitar, hopes dashed again and again and again. Things that were said to me, didn't happen. Whatever. Don't really care. It has all just been another in a long string of disapointments and ill followed dreams.

The music that makes me happy playing is mellow jazz infused blues and instrumentals that I compose in alternate tunings.

The blog likely will go too. Blogs are gay. People pretend like they know what they are talking about. I don't know crap and what I do know, I want to keep to myself anyway.


  1. Yo dude, don't give up. I would really like to see some video. Why don't you make some? Here's me from a couple years ago:

  2. You headed to FB? It's a whole new world.


  3. bobber. haven't given up. just focusing on ME and MY playing for MY enjoyment. i don't want to be a hired gun. liked the video. are you using some type of stand? your playing is very good. i can't play classical for anything. i've flirted with it multiple times. here's the one video i can't sing worth moose poop. slide in open g tuning.

    lc. what is FB?

  4. Hey that is really nice! You have a really great feel to that tune. I don't think I have ever tried playing slide much at all. Did some Jazz stuff a long time ago. I was in a group and we were doing Pat Metheny, Rippingtons and some other stuff. That was ages ago even before I took up cycling.

    I am using a guitar support. It is called Ergoplay. I really like it much better than using a foot stool. Take a look...

  5. there's a thing called a dynarest. essentially an ergonomic pad that you rest on your left thigh. the guitar goes on it and you can play in correct classical position, with both feed flat on the floor. i have one and it's great. in 89 or so, i had a band and thru a booking agency, were booked to a 3 week tour of the midwest. played instrumental speed metal, power trio stuff. called ourselves INSTRUMETAL. then, i cut off my middle finger on my fretting hand at work. pretty much dashed the dream right there and then. it was grafted back on and took around 5 years to fully use it again. (if you've ever looked at it, most of the scars are barely noticable, but you can still see it's all mangled and the tip is about a third of what a normal finger tip is at the fretboard area. i learned to play slide then. that's why i use my middle finger for slide, most people use their ring or little finger. i forgot so much during those years. but, i've learned so much more lately. i had the full on mullet, hair sprayed all motley crueish, leather studs. i was playing my 1957 goldtop les paul thru a marshall 100 watt head and a pair of randall 6x10 cabs. to think of where i could have taken it back then is depressing. i was really good at that type of playing.

  6. Yes, I'm familiar with the dynarest. It's not as adjustable as the Ergoplay. Check out one of my teachers playing, he's using an Ergoplay here.

    Wow, that's really bad news about your finger. But you have really managed to overcome it I'd say!

  7. bobber, that's not a dynarest.
