Friday, October 30, 2009

Best ever?

Bernard Hinault. Best ever? Sure, there's allways Merckx to consider, but Bernard had something about him, a form of aggression. He once broke away in an early stage of the Tour de France and created panic in the peloton. They started to chase fevoriously. But, when they caught up to him, he was standing on the side of the road laughing at them. He was just getting into their minds!!!!! Speaking of the Tour, BH could climb, time trial and sprint, including winning on the Champs d' Elysse while in the yellow jersey!!!

Lance, for one, wouldn't have contested a sprint in the final stage of a race he already won. BH just had an aggression.

BH won a Leige-Bastogne-Leige in a blizzard. I think only 28 riders even finished the race. Oh, he was wearing shorts and no jacket either. He got cold and attacked to warm himself, he would later say. He won by something like a half hour.

Today, he works for the Tour, handing out podium prizes and shaking hands. At least twice now, he's thrown spectators off the stage!

Yes, the Badger, was a well deserved nickname.

Bernard, I bow to you.

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