Thursday, October 29, 2009

A Small Victory

Rain. Rain and more rain. I can't remember the last time I was able to get a ride in, in the morning, while the guys are in school. Seems like it's always raining. Then, it'll rain when I need to commute into work. Needless to say, I haven't rode much lately. I did ride in to work last night and it felt great.

Well, today, rain wasn't supposed to come in until late afternoon. At least, that was the forecast yesterday. I planned on a ride. So, while getting ready, I checked the radar....just in case. DAMN!!! Rain on the way and almost here. I changed my planned route to a figure 8, which would never take me too far from home, just in case. This is a good route, with several longish hills. Due to not riding much lately 'cause of rain and before that, illness, I was weak. Very weak. I really can't wait until I have the Alan (it has shipped) and have it the way I want it. Higher presure and narrower tires, coupled with some gearing will help out a lot, since, it's all hills around here. Yes, I can grunt up the climbs in the fixed gear, but, at the same time, SOME gearing would be nice. That and the retro grouch in me had me go for the Alan. 52x42 up front and I'm not sure what the 5 speed in the back will have. But, it'll be at least a range. Also, I will admit, I do miss high speeds. The large ring will get me those.

But, I digress.

My ride had me go thru a few spots of drizzle. I got home, put the bike up against the wall in my garage and at that moment, heard the skys open up with heavy rain on the roof. I went out back and raised a fist at the sky.

At least for today, I defeated the rain.


  1. I predict a drive trail upgrade very soon.


  2. drive trail? drive train. well, since it'll be limited space wise to at most 7 gears, i can't do much.

    honestly, i like simplicity. i don't race or have any need for tech. i don't see myself switching it out anytime soon. besides, vintage nos and even used campy parts are stupid expensive and hard to come by!
