Thursday, September 24, 2009

More Angst

Rain this morning means I won't be riding. I don't mind riding in rain, but I just don't like STARTING out in rain. Espicially, since I'm not really training for anything. Besides, my back/leg is still in pain/numbness. Maybe I should visit my chiropractor. So, I'll stay inside and do yoga this morning, while the crew is at school.

Speaking of more angst.....

Just got a copy of the movie, Freeway 2, Confessions of a Trickbaby, staring Natasha Lyonne. The only other movie Amy and I know her from is But, I'm a Cheerleader, where she plays a super sweet as sugar cheerleader, who is discovering her sexuallity. We liked her acting in that movie. After watching Freeway 2, I am now convinced Natasha IS a great actress. Filmed in the same year as Cheerleader, in this movie, Natasha plays the polar opposite character. Not sweet, but violent and filled with angst.

She plays Crystal, aka "white girl" a teenage armed robber, who poses as a prostitute, but pistol whips her Johns and steals their money instead and gets sentenced to 25 years in prison. But, she also has the eating disorder, bulliema (sp.). So, they put her in the state hospital to battle that disorder, until she's 19, then off to maximum security prison she'll go. At the hospital, she meets Cyclona, who's in for life. Realizing that once in prison, they'll never get out, they decide to bust out of the hospital, which has almost zero security. Then, they'll head to Mexico to stay with Sister Gonzalez, Cyclona's saviour. Then, the fun begins. Cyclona, it turns out is a serial mass murderer and sexual devient and kills repeatedly along the way. White Girl, tries to turn her ways and beats her several time. They huff paint, hop trains, kill border patrol agents and causes mayhem in general, on their way to Mexico.

Turns out, Sister Gonzalaz is a man, who actually set Cyclona into her crazy world. As a youth, she was tied up, gang rapped and basically a sex slave for SG's cult. Oh, yeah, SG also eats children. Eventually, White Girl figures everything out and shoots everyone involved.

Despite some bad direction to the movie (I think if some parts weren't a stupid, like projectile vomit and buliema throw up parties and other parts were more shocking and horrific), this was a darn good movie. Maybe that's why it's going for good prices on eBay (the movie is out of print). If it were directed better, this could have been an amazing movie.

If you can find it, see it. I'll give it 3.9 stars out of 5. It would have been better, but for the direction. Natasha plays a tough, violent hellion rather convincingly. Maybe that's why the next few years of her actual life seemed to parallel that lifestyle.

Oh, if you see this movie, Natasha is a very short woman. When she's in scenes with others in this movie, LOOK AT HER SHOES!!! They have 4 or 5 inch platforms added to the soles! Makes her walk kind of funny, but I guess she took it stride.

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