Wednesday, September 9, 2009

People suck

People suck. This morning, I went for a short, but tough ride. It was the Hillsboro Rd/Trailer Park ride. 2 steep out of the saddle, give it all you got, climbs. After the hills, I did a spin thru Old Town Fenton.

Then some asshole threw something at me. They were headed in the other direction. I looked back and saw they pulled into the gas station. If it had just been words, big deal, people say ignorant things all the time. But, something whizzed by my head. I was pissed off. I went to the station and asked what exactly the problem was. "Stay on the sidewalk, faggot" was what I got. I informed him that he obviously wasn't aware that riding on sidewalks is actually illeagal in Missouri and that bikes have a legal right to be on the road, hence the "share the road" signs that are all over this stretch of road. "I'm going to shove your bike up your ass." was the reply. Also, this dolt picked up the windshield cleaner/squeegie thing and swung it over my head. Cell phone was pulled out and I called the police and gave the license plate number of his truck. While on 911, he kept yelling threats at me and swung the squeegie at me again. That was almost "it." I asked him if he ever had his ass kicked in by someone wearing spandex before, because it was about to happen. He responded by getting into his work vehicle (yes he was working) and drove off.

Normally, I have the utmost respect for law enforcement officials. Not this time. A lady copper shows up, with full on attitude. As soon as she got out of the car, I realized that she in no way, shape, of form was going to do squat. She took my statement and said "thank you." "What? Don't you even want my name and contact information?" "Why, what am I supposed to do about this, it will be your word vs. his." As if by magic, a witness from the gas station came up and wanted to give her point of view on what happened, and totally back up my claim. Lady copper, said, thank you, but that won't be necessary. "Huh? You aren't going to take a voulentary witness' statement?" After my contact info was grudgingly gathered, she said, "I'll call you this afternoon if I find out anything." I said, "yeah, right. I won't be holding my breath, you don't care. The fact that you first were going to let me go, without any of my information, told me that you weren't going to do anything. Not taking a voulentary witness' statement to what happened only backed that up. Thank you for the fine and professional way you conduct yourself." And I rode off.

No phone call from her yet. And I still can't figure out why someone who I never saw before in my life, heading the other direction, across 4 lanes of traffic, plus a center lane, would throw something at me.


  1. Tough day to be on the roads. I commuted in to work and had a few minor incidents. Usually I have none. People just seems cranked yesterday.

    Shake it off my friend.

