Tuesday, November 17, 2009


People suck. No, make that some parents with sick kids suck. Ben stayed home from school yesterday, and both him and Jake are staying home today. Why? Here's the chain of events. Last Thursday after dropping Jake off, Ben and I were waiting around. A friend of his, M_________ T_______ had a wet nasty cough, which I noticed. I talked to Ben and told him to try to stay away from MT, to avoid getting sick. A little later MT was being his usual self (jerk-off punk). Ben said, I don't want to play with you today, because you are sick. MT said and I heard, "I'll get you!!!" and ran off. Well, after school, Ben says that as soon as they got inside, MT snuck up behind him and coughed in his face and breathed all over him. What a little ______________er. Now both of my kid's are sick due to this little prick's actions. Great. But what I don't understand and what is much worse is this, kids will be kids, I know that. But, the school has a policy of if your kid has a fever of 99.8 and above, OR a wet cough, they are supposed to stay home, just like I'm keeping my guys home. But, NO!!!! MT's mom dropped him off at school, risking infecting everyone else, so she could go work out, which she does every morning (and needs to do, I will add, MOOO!)

Enough of that rant.

And now for....

Rain. It's back to rain rain rain here. Didn't ride yesterday, won't today (I wouldn't have due to kid's home anyway). I have a set of rollers coming, won't be here until tomorrow. Naturally, Thursday, it's supposed to be nice and dry. Oh, well, I do need them and will have them for the next patch of bad weather.


...to top it all off, I have another broken tooth. Going to the dentist tonight.


I found this old photo of me racing cyclocross at Queeny Park in 2001, going up the muddy hill, just past the creek crossing. Photo taken by John Mussleman. I edited the size so it would fit on the blog.


  1. When I saw that picture, the first thing I thought was ... "Johan"!

    I did the Bubba race on Sunday. What a blast. It took me back to the old days, when cross was a new thing and you were teaching us how to jump a curb.


  2. how are you doing this year at cross, loran?

  3. Not placing very well, but really having a great time. Sunday's race was perfect, in all aspects.

