Thursday, November 19, 2009

Rollin' rollin' rollin'

Now that I am riding again, and winter is coming on, it was time to get a new set of rollers. The last ones I had, I used for around 10, maybe up to 15 years. They had 4" drums. I loved the things. This time, I got me some with 3" rollers. A big shout out to you ______ _______. Thanks again.

Today was my first ride on them. It would have been easy to have gotten carried away and done a lot longer ride, but, not wanting to flog myself on the first time on them, I set myself a strict 45 minute time limit. When it came, I stopped.

But, in that time, I became one sweat drenched puppy. I really worked myself. I was told that smaller drums give off more resistance and I agree. I started out in my 42x19 for a 5 minute spin to warm up. Then, I went into the 52 and stayed in the 19 in back. I stayed around 90 rpm for cadence, except, when I did some intervals, where I picked up the rpms to around 110-120. I did one minute on and one off for a while, then a 10 minute session of as hard as I could until I slowed enough to warrent ending the session. After a cool down spin in the 42, I stopped. I really felt this in my legs. It was a good workout, one that had my heart rate up and got me to the point of where I couldn't talk while riding. Good stuff.

I know that these will help me get back into shape and were a great decision on my part. It didn't take long to ride smoothly and centered on the drums. Now, I need to get better, so I can shift my down tube shifters on the fly, drink from a bottle, etc. In the "old days," I got pretty good. Could do most of the tricks: no handed riding, one leg peddaling, standing, drinking, juggling bowling pins, etc.

Patience Jim. Those days will come again.

1 comment:

  1. That does it. It's a roller workout for me tonight!

    Thanks for the inspiration.

