Tuesday, August 4, 2009

A second post today

The bicycle is a beautiful thing. I met a woman today, that I felt compelled to tell you about.

On my ride into work, I saw a woman on the side of the road. She had a Breezer folding bike. I stopped and asked if she needed help. She said no. An hour plus later, she came into the shop just to look around. Turns out she is an over the road trucker. She had a load that she was dropping off at Deals, but they can't take it until tomorrow, thus, she was stuck in Fenton, with nothing to do. I have a few trucker friends, and know this happens a lot to them. She deals with it by, you guessed it, taking the folding bike with her to ride around and explore, while she waits. She obviously a recreational rider, but I envy her. She has ridden in more towns across this country than anyone I know, most likely. Anytime she has to wait, she rides.

The bike is a beautiful thing. It allows us to explore our world and take us to places we never been before.

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